上 opaque definition 297985-Opaque definition english

"opaque windows of the jail"; 130 An opaque pointer is one in which no details are revealed of the underlying data (from a dictionary definition opaque adjective;Not transparent or translucent Opaque means not letting light pass through;

Opacity Definition English

Opacity Definition English

Opaque definition english

Opaque definition english-Définitions de opaque Qui ne laisse pas passer la lumière Un verre opaque Qui est sans lumière ; Opaque tokens Tokens in a proprietary format that typically contain some identifier to information in a server's persistent storage To validate an opaque token, the recipient of the token needs to call the server that issued the token A "opaque JWT refresh token" is a contradiction as per definition above

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An opaque context or referentially opaque context is a linguistic context in which it is not always possible to substitute "coreferential" expressions (expressions referring to the same object) without altering the truth of sentences The expressions involvedOccasionally used as slang for "absurd" or "nonsensical"Très noir Une nuit opaque Littéraire Dont on ne peut pénétrer la signification, dont les sentiments sont difficiles à percer Un homme opaque Un texte opaque

 Definition of 'opaque' If an object or substance is opaque, you cannot see through it You can always use opaque glass if you need to block a street view If you say that something Opaque pointer is a pointer which points to a data structure whose contents are not exposed at the time of its definition Following pointer is opaque One can't know the data contained in STest structure by looking at the definition It is safe to assign NULL to an opaqueNot allowing light to pass through See more

The quality of a material that does not allow light to pass through it the quality of being opaqueDefinitions of opaque adjective not transmitting or reflecting light or radiant energy;Impenetrable to sight " opaque windows of the jail" " opaque to Xrays" Synonyms unclear not clear to the mind cloudy, mirky, muddy, murky, turbid

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What does opaque mean?A spoken definition of opaqueIntro SoundTypewriter TamskpLicensed under CCBA 30Outro MusicGroove Groove Kevin MacLeod (incompe What Is an Opaque Paint?Video shows what opaque means Neither reflecting nor emitting light Allowing little light to pass through, not translucent or transparent Unclear, unint

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Opacity Definition English

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Neither translucent nor transparentNot able to be seen through;Any opaque obscuration bounded downwards by plane 1 provided it is inscribed in an area 300 mm wide centred on the longitudinal median plane of the vehicle and provided the opaque obscuration below the plane 5 trace is inscribed in an area limited laterally by the traces of planes passing by the limits of a 150 mm wide segment (2) and parallel respectively to the traces of planes 4 and 4′

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Adjectif Qui s'oppose au passage de la lumière Verre opaque — Sciences Opaque à qui s'oppose au passage de (radiations) Corps opaque aux rayons ultraviolets Très sombre au figuré Qui ne se laisse pas connaître, comprendre Un message opaque définitionsO·paque (ōpāk′) adj 1 a Impenetrable by light;Hence, obscure Impervious to the rays of light;

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Impervious to light rays or, by extension, to xrays or other electromagnetic radiation;Not transparent 'the windows were opaque with steam' More example sentences 'These consist of arrays of pixels, each made of aOpaque Quotes BrainyQuote The future is an opaque mirror Anyone who tries to look into it sees nothing but the dim outlines of an old and worried face Jim Bishop Future Mirror Look Artists have different responsibilities in different eras But at this point, I really feel like it's all hands on deck

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